Jun 14, 2008

nutella croissants

so i woke up this morning to a knock on my window. who would've known my boyfriend would climb up to the window after running one point fifteen miles from his house in nearly six minutes. *laughs he is an athlete that one is... anyways, once he was gone i got down to the kitchen & turned the tv onto the prince & me. what a joy. i made myself nutella croissants! *jumps they're so good. just throw some sliced strawberries and neatly chopped blueberries and its yum. ^^; well hopefully i'll get some outfit pictures on here... hopefully people start reading this O.o;; i don't want to blog for my own pleasure. hah.

besides food, boyfriends, and clothes i need to finish up on my story... my current goal is to be published before i graduate high school! aha, anyways... off to think more... thanks, i s'ppose!

2 lalas:

Stephanie said...

That looks very yummy! And I love your song. It is basically my fav =)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....I love nutella..

want to trade links?