Dec 4, 2008

i fell in love first at seven. he was silly & eight. round & had an adorable smile. then i found adoration for another one at ten. he was smart & handsome. & along came twelve & another boy who i was hardly ever ardent with. & then another one at the same age, as the hormones began to kick in. & i faintly recall dreaming of kissing him. he had dimples. then there was the bad one. the cocky one, who would be described as "hot" or just very fetching... & then the nice boy. the cute one. the first one to confess his silly love for me. oh, it was very silly at thirteen. but i liked it. & then the boy who still holds my heart. he is the one. for two years he's held my hand & made me cry. he pushes me on swings & plays with my hair. i like him very much so. but perhaps, there is also another one of the male species... you see, he doesn't know who i am. & he is very beautiful. he has eyes that pierce my soul & tickle my feelings. they are olive. or perhaps even gold. a striking gold & when he smiles it touches his eyes in the most absurd of ways. & those eyes twinkle. but this boy does not know my name. & we have never spoken. it is alright, i suppose. i take comfort in having that one boy who will keep my on my toes. from afar, it is fine. for he is not good for me. he is not good for me. but i would give many things just to touch his lips with mine...

4 lalas:

Ester | Bluedale said...

lovely! ^^

Anonymous said...

just found your sweet blog. you're adorable. and don't worry, your love dreams will come true; that's the way these things go...

Charlotte said...

oh sweet dear little heart.
it is better to dream and wish and wonder than to have teeny broken loves and silly tears.

but one day, in a few years. you will meet him. your prince on creamy peach unicorn with such awe and wonder for you that he falls in love with you straight away. in fact he already has.
but he is hiding for a while to make himself perfect for you.

you are so lovely.
your comments have made me feel really so very happy. you are so nice and it makes me giggle and pink pink blush.
you are so cute. and pretty.


Charlotte said...

elle i have given you an award because you make me smile loads, and completely completely deserve it forever.