Dec 13, 2008

i like days very much like this.
i must report, i very much do wish that i could find the strength in me. for i wonder what i will do in life. what am i good at? you see, i find a great interest in many things. however, i fear that these things may not support me like i wish they would. oh, could they? how about you? do you ever worry about things such as this?

3 lalas:

sarah said...

i always worry about this :(
i love photography, i love it so much, i love taking photos, but im always afraid: 'how to make a living?, will i keep loving it? i already run out of ideas now! help help! what shall i study then? i dont know! oh help im falling!' at least 7 times a day thats what i think.
and also,
i love love. but i dont know if i love boys or girls. its not what you asked, but that also worries me. all the time. and i fear ending up all alone. in my beautiful little house somewhere lonely, with some money my parents gave me because they think im just a sad woman, and with nothing to dream or live for.
sometimes the future is just so frustrating and scary.
sometimes very often times actually.
i hope to start a magazine one day, like lula, or just work there in art something. that would be nice.
very very very very nice. and even perhaps a gallery with my photos, a little one. that would make me so proud :)

Charlotte said...

oops, i commented in the one below sweetiepop.
i adore the photo lovely one.

Betsey said...

this is beautiful. and i have actually been worrying about this very much recently! it is a very stressful subject!